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I was asked to speak at a men’s conference a few years ago. Initially I had no idea what I would speak about. I knew about King David being a man after God’s heart. I thought that would be a good place to start. As I read the story of David, the shepherd boy who became a king, his heart for God, and his victories as a warrior, inevitably I came to 2 Samuel chapters 11 and 12. I had read this story of David and Bathsheba before, but I had never paid attention to Nathan and how God used him in David’s life. I sensed the Lord leading me to focus on Nathan. The title for my message came quickly. I preached that day on the subject, Everybody Needs A Nathan. I can’t tell you how the message may have impacted the men who heard me. But God used that message that day to call me to be a Nathan.

I have needed a Nathan many times in my Christian journey. God has been faithful to send me just who I needed at just the right time. Throughout this book you will read of men who were used of God to direct and redirect my life. I don’t believe God needs any help, but I do believe He uses people to get our attention. There are men and women everywhere like David who need a Nathan. Someone sent from God to confront. To care. To be consistent. Someone that will listen to them and love them. Someone they can trust. Everybody needs a Nathan.

In this phase of my life and ministry, I find great joy in being a Nathan to guys that need a friend. Men who have wrecked their life, their marriage, and their family. Their future hopes seem unattainable. Some of these men made some really bad choices. Foolish decisions that have impacted their life in dramatic ways. They’ve had to start over. Some of these men have been adversely affected by the poor choices others have made. Nonetheless, they find themselves at a turning point not knowing which way to go. They need a friend they can trust. They need to hear the truth. Some of them need to be born again. Some simply need to be restored. They need a Nathan to point them to Jesus. Everybody needs a Nathan.

Michael Mason

Everybody Needs a Nathan


    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
    all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6

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